Tired of Having:
All the facts YET, you can’t budge a Liberal?
Your political conversations deadlock before you even make a point?
Political conversations on Facebook, where you have to block the crazies?
Alan Huber feels your pain. He has created a solution GOPMadeSimple.com
Where he teaches: “Using sales techniques to convert Liberals, INSTEAD of debate”

Alan has decades of experience training salespeople including insurance agents and overseas telemarketers. Why are they successful selling strangers, while the average Trump supporter gets into no-win arguments on a daily basis?
These techniques are proven effective and can be used by any Conservative or Trump supporter, even if they are not an issues expert
Alan’s weekly column is read by Conservative leadership nationwide (Only ONE minute to read) and he speaks to Trump Clubs and Republican events. Alan has appeared on radio and television.
He is also an expert on health insurance including Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) and Obamacare alternatives.

ALAN HUBER feels your pain. He has created a solution GOPMadeSimple.com
Why Is It a Struggle to Explain Conservative Politics And Principles?
Alan Huber has decades of experience training salespeople including insurance agents and overseas telemarketers. Why are they successful selling to strangers on the phone, while most Conservatives get nowhere in arguing with Liberals?
Alan teaches techniques that are proven effective and can be used by any Conservative , whether in person or online, even if they are not an issues expert
Alan’s weekly column is read by Conservative leadership nationwide (Only ONE minute to read) and his predictions and analysis is proven to be remarkable accurate.
Alan speaks to Republican and Conservative groups nationwide and he has appeared
on radio and television