The GOP Landscape For April
Easy ways for us to explain the failings of the Biden administration.1) They gave you a check for $1400 but also handed you an IOU for $5600. The IOU carries interest. IRead More…
Easy ways for us to explain the failings of the Biden administration.1) They gave you a check for $1400 but also handed you an IOU for $5600. The IOU carries interest. IRead More…
I am not an epidemiologist. I’m just someone that remembers 4th grade math.If you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide you can tell that they are lying to you. From the beginningRead More…
In some states, the Libertarian vote could have swung the election, and also a number of Republicans / Conservatives did not support Trump because he was not “fiscally responsible.”How do Liberals vote?Read More…
Operation Warp Speed has proven tremendously successful. 21% of the US population has received at least one shot. That is 108 million doses. It is so good that the White House claimsRead More…
Many Trump supporters lead the anti-mask and anti-vaxx brigades. All of us have friends who post on social media: “I’m never taking the vaccine.”
Now that Biden is officially president, it’s time to move forward by looking at some of the errors made by our side. I know the election was stolen and being able toRead More…
Due to censorship most Trump haters have been blocked from understanding why we believe the election was stolen, and why the courts cannot do anything about it.In a recent standoff between RandRead More…
I have been a Rush Limbaugh listener since he went national in the summer of 1988.On May 22, 1993, Rush Limbaugh’s fans created the largest grassroots political event in history, known asRead More…
Dear Republican Senators and Congress-Persons. The reason you do not vote as one like the Democrats, is because you do not understand a simple concept about Rush Limbaugh (32 years) and DonaldRead More…
Why will there never be unity? Because Trump supporters know the truth. The Trump haters did not care the cost, did not care about the damage, they wanted Trump gone at anyRead More…
When Liberals hear that Republicans are the party of Lincoln and freed the slaves and gave Blacks the right to vote, the response is: “There was a big switch between the parties.”DineshRead More…
Last week we had the censored press conference where frontline doctors told America the success they are having with Hydroxychloroquine combos.Social media immediately took down the videos and labeled as fake, anyRead More…
Every so often we hit a rough news cycle, and we start to get scared.That’s when I write the column to calm YOU down rather than asking questions. GREAT NEWS –rally wasRead More…
Only 30 seconds to read Today I’m just asking questions that you can ask liberals and simply wait for the response: Q1) Why do you follow celebrities who tweet support for protestersRead More…
If you would’ve asked me in January how long it would take to turn the United States into a Venezuela cesspool, I would have said 10-20 years. After the last 3 months,Read More…
Q1) How can Trump possibly win, considering the George Floyd riots? A1) Assume you are a gun control advocate. By eliminating the police, even the most anti-gun American’s will have no choiceRead More…
Q1) Anyone wanting to re-open businesses does not care about people dying? Our Answers: You believe “only essential workers should leave their house?”If no one else is working why should the $10Read More…
While my column is always original thought, I came upon an article on how changing a camera lens can distort an entire picture. Liucija Adomaite and Denis Tymulis of boredpanda detailed anRead More…
In the Democrat debates, when asked about “Medicare-For-All”, they respond with: 185 million people that have private insurance at work that will lose this under the proposed plans.None of them have mentionedRead More…
1984, Jesse Jackson was running for president. At the time I was a tax accountant with a large New York City-based middle-class African-American clientele.I askeda number of my black clients:”Except for theRead More…